An Invitation to Join The Heritage Club.

For generations, donors have made gifts to the YMCA of Greater Hartford’s endowment fund, ensuring the Y’s ability to fulfill its mission and serve our communities well into the future.

Membership in The Heritage Club is reserved for donors who commit a gift of cash, or a planned gift, now or in the future, to the YMCA’s endowment fund. Such gifts might include an estate gift, bequests of life insurance, IRA distributions, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder unitrusts, or charitable remainder annuity trusts.

The Y has partnered with the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving to offer and manage charitable gift annuities on the Y’s behalf. Please click here to learn more.

To let us know if you intend or have included the Y in your estate or financial plans, please complete our Best Intentions form. We are honored to acknowledge your generosity by including you as a member in The Heritage Club.

Learn More About Planned Giving

To learn about The Heritage Club at the Y, contact Jeff Williams at 860-595-3036, or complete the form below and a Development team member will contact you.