We strive to serve the entire community by providing financial assistance, which is determined by an individual applicant's needs. The money used to fund this program is made possible by charitable donations made to the YMCA's Annual Campaign by friends and members.
Financial assistance is granted based on the need demonstrated by household income and/or extenuating circumstances.
How to apply:
- Download and complete the Financial Assistance Application.
- Bring your completed application and supporting financial documents to the Member Service Center at your local branch.
- You will be notified by e-mail, phone or mail as soon as action is taken on your application.
- Once notified, you will have 14 business days to meet with a YMCA representative to make final arrangements.
For more information about Financial Assistance please contact your local branch:
Downtown YMCA: downtowny@ghymca.org, 860 952 3146
Farmington Valley YMCA: farmingtonvalleyy@ghymca.org, 860 653 5524
Hale YMCA Youth & Family Center: haley@ghymca.org, 860 315 9622
Indian Valley Family YMCA: indianvalleyy@ghymca.org, 860 871 0008
Wheeler Regional Family YMCA: wheelery@ghymca.org, 860 793 9631
Wilson-Gray YMCA Youth & Family Center: wilsongrayy@ghymca.org, 860 241 9622