We offer several babysitting options for members to utilize while in our facilities!
We offer different activities depending on the child's age and development level. From books, board games to arts and crafts, action figures to puzzles, we have tons of options that will please everyone.
Kids Zone: For infants and children starting at 6 weeks old to 12 years old.
Farmington Valley Hale Indian Valley Wheeler
- Parents/Guardians must sign their child in and out of these rooms.
- New parents/guardians will receive a handbook with our policies.
- Maximum time per day: 2 hours per child.
- Parents/guardians must remain in the building while their child is checked in.
- Children must be checked in more than 15 minutes before the room closes.
- Staff will not change diapers or clothes; we will contact the parent if this is necessary.
- Water bottles are allowed if properly labeled with the child's name. Formula for babies is allowed if prepared in advanced and properly labeled.
- Technology is not permitted.
- No medication will be administered by our staff.
- Children are not permitted in our rooms if exhibiting signs of illness, including but not limited to: fever of 100 or higher (must be fever-free for 24 hours); vomiting in the past 24 hours; diarrhea; sore throat; cough; loss of taste or smell; headache; congestion; runny nose; draining rash; pink eye or discharge; green nasal discharge; lice or gnats; hand, foot, mouth disease; missed school due to illness
- If your child has one of the following contagious diseases and has been in our babysitting rooms, please contact the YMCA so we can alert other families. Your name and your child's name will be kept confidential.
- Strep throat; scarlet fever; measles; mumps; viral infections; chicken pox; impetigo, lice
- Injuries are reported on an incident report. Staff will provide appropriate First Aid and CPR, call 911 when appropriate, and alert parents if a child is injured.